We The Precinct

Precinct Action Center
The Republicans for National Renewal’s “We the Precinct” Project is encouraging populists, right-wingers, hardcore conservatives, and unabashed America First patriots to sign up as leaders on precinct level — as committeemen, committee officers or delegates (name varies in each state).
These precinct roles carry a lot of power and precinct leadership can build the pipe line needed to get America First forces elected into every role of government. This is how the Left gained, through community organizing, major institutional power allowing them to dominate the entire country.
Right now, we have the numbers. As many as 90 percent of the Republican Party supports Donald Trump’s agenda, and although the RINO establishment wants to put the genie back in the bottle, they cannot! This may be our last chance to save the country, and we need to take full advantage with the best tactics and best approach.
While there are many groups that are recruiting precinct officials, We the Precinct offers a state-of-the-art database called our Precinct Action Center featuring a petitioning and resolution tool that will allow you to build your organizational power starting from the precinct level and moving upward from there.
Thus far, we have comprehensive resolutions on Justice for Jan. 6, Election Integrity, Immigration Patriotism, America First Nationalist Economy, Stopping the Deep State, and Holding Failed Republican Leadership Accountable.
These resolutions are how we lead from the bottom up, pushing the issues that matter the most that our cowardly elected officials are too scared to touch. They will be forced to go on the record, show their true colors, and face the consequences from the people. This is what We the Precinct is all about: arming precinct activists with the tools they need to have success and remake the Republican Party into a solidly America First party for generations to come.
What you can accomplish by joining Republicans for National Renewal’s ‘We the Precinct’ Project:
· Rebuild your communities.
· Shepard your localities back to freedom.
· Flush the RINOs out of your GOP apparatus.
· Flip school boards, city councils, county commissions.
· Help America First candidates obtain office.
· Influence hundreds or thousands of voters throughout your precinct.
· Help normalize MAGA politics and make Trump-style populism to take hold.
· Do the foundational work needed to SAVE OUR NATION!