Help Us Restore Our Nation

“Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo.”

President Donald Trump







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Join the Movement

The Republicans for National Renewal’s “We the Precinct” Project is encouraging populists, right-wingers, hardcore conservatives, and unabashed America First patriots to sign up as leaders on precinct level — as committeemen, committee officers or delegates (name varies in each state).
These precinct roles carry a lot of power and precinct leadership can build the pipe line needed to get America First forces elected into every role of government. This is how the Left gained, through community organizing, major institutional power allowing them to dominate the entire country.

Vetting Candidates

Republicans for National Renewal has candidate vetting surveys for potential Congressmen, state lawmakers, school board members, and state Republican Party chairs. Please urge your candidates to fill out this form to request a survey so they can be held accountable to the populist, America First ideals that now fuel the Republican Party.

Populist Scorecard

Republicans for National Renewal ranks U.S. Congressmen based on their fidelity to populist, America First principles. Our scorecard differs from other legislative rankings because we score lawmakers based upon whether their voting record is sufficiently nationalist, particularly on the issues of trade, foreign policy, immigration, and Big Tech. Check out our legislative rankings to see how often your lawmaker is putting America First while voting in Congress.

Happening Now

Republicans for National Renewal Endorses Cory Mills for Congress

Republicans for National Renewal Endorses Cory Mills for Congress

HOUSTON, T.X. – Republicans for National Renewal has announced it is endorsing U.S. Rep. Cory Mills for re-election in Florida’s 7th congressional district. Mark Ivanyo, the Executive Director of Republicans for National Renewal, issued the following statement: "Cory...

The Republicans for National Renewal’s “We the Precinct” Project is encouraging populists, right-wingers, hardcore conservatives, and unabashed America First patriots to sign up as leaders on precinct level — as committeemen, committee officers or delegates (name varies in each state).
These precinct roles carry a lot of power and precinct leadership can build the pipe line needed to get America First forces elected into every role of government. This is how the Left gained, through community organizing, major institutional power allowing them to dominate the entire country.

Vetting Candidates

Republicans for National Renewal has candidate vetting surveys for potential Congressmen, state lawmakers, school board members, and state Republican Party chairs. Please urge your candidates to fill out this form to request a survey so they can be held accountable to the populist, America First ideals that now fuel the Republican Party.

Populist Scorecard

Republicans for National Renewal ranks U.S. Congressmen based on their fidelity to populist, America First principles. Our scorecard differs from other legislative rankings because we score lawmakers based upon whether their voting record is sufficiently nationalist, particularly on the issues of trade, foreign policy, immigration, and Big Tech. Check out our legislative rankings to see how often your lawmaker is putting America First while voting in Congress.

Happening Now

Republicans for National Renewal Endorses Cory Mills for Congress

Republicans for National Renewal Endorses Cory Mills for Congress

HOUSTON, T.X. – Republicans for National Renewal has announced it is endorsing U.S. Rep. Cory Mills for re-election in Florida’s 7th congressional district. Mark Ivanyo, the Executive Director of Republicans for National Renewal, issued the following statement: "Cory...

We Have the Power to Change Our Party

Years after Donald Trump’s groundbreaking 2016 victory, we have yet to see the fundamental change within the Republican Party that we need in order to truly reflect the will of the voters. On issues from immigration to infrastructure, Trump stands largely alone in advocating a bold, populist vision for our country. It is time to change that. By assisting activists in taking over the party apparatus and pushing Republicans in Congress to back our President’s agenda, Republicans for National Renewal intends to be at the forefront of that fight.


Common sense restrictions on immigration are essential to preserve economic opportunity in America.


The United States needs to use its bargaining power to negotiate trade deals that prioritize the interests of American workers.


Reform of our regulatory framework has become essential to counter unfair conduct by unaccountable big tech monopolies.


Our country must learn from the mistakes of the last two decades and pursue a more rational foreign policy.

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Our Priorities

Republicans for National Renewal strives for a new conservatism that combines traditional conservative values with nationalist and populist ideas just as President Trump did during his groundbreaking 2016 presidential bid.


Rebuilding and repairing roads and bridges to revitalize middle America.


Opposing the globalist push to undermine national sovereignty.

foreign aid

Limiting foreign aid to other countries and reinvesting that money in America.

gun rights

Protecting your 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms.


Reducing the tax burden on Americans while using tax credits to help working families.

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For too long, a small group in our nation’s Capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost.

Washington flourished – but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered – but the jobs left, and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country.

- President Donald J. Trump

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