Recommendations are not endorsements. Endorsements are highlighted in red.


U.S. Senate: Blake Masters

  • RNR was proud to endorse Blake Masters at our Christmas reception last year. Subsequently, he was also endorsed by President Trump. Masters is an exceptional national-populist leader, with a strong understanding of the policies needed to restore our nation.

Governor: Kari Lake

  • RNR endorsed Kari Lake early in the race, due to her unquestionable anti-establishment credentials and stringent border security plans. Subsequently, she was also endorsed by President Trump. The Republican establishment is lining up against Lake, and America First patriots should unite behind her candidacy to send them a clear message.

Attorney General: Abe Hamadeh

  • RNR endorsed Abe Hamadeh, the most bold and populist candidate running for Attorney General. Subsequently, he was also endorsed by President Trump. Hamadeh is the best placed candidate to defend the populist agenda enacted by Arizona Republicans in the courts.

Secretary of State: Mark Finchem

  • RNR endorsed Mark Finchem in-person at our Christmas reception last year, who had previously been endorsed by President Trump. Finchem is one of the nation’s preeminent election integrity activists and will ensure free and fair elections in this critical swing state.

Treasurer: Jeff Weininger

  • RNR recommends Jeff Weininger, who is challenging establishment incumbent Kimberley Yee. A strong showing for Weininger will help push Yee in a more America First direction.

Superintendent of Public Education: Shiry Sapir

  • RNR recommends Shiry Sapir, as she has aligned herself firmly with a patriotic education policy, and against CRT and the groomer agenda. She is also the most vocally aligned with Trump of the candidates in this race.

Mine Inspector: Paul Marsh

  • RNR recommends Paul Marsh, the most conservative candidate running in this race.

Corporation Commissioners: Kevin Thompson & Nick Myers

  • RNR recommends Kevin Thompson and Nick Myers, the most viable and conservative candidates running for these positions.

U.S. House:

1st congressional district: Josh Barnett

  • RNR recommends Josh Barnett, a bold America First populist who is running against incumbent Rep. David Schweikert. Although Schweikert was once a strong conservative, he has faltered in recent years, voting for legislation including vaccine databases, and a strong challenge may be what is needed to put him on the right track.

2nd congressional district: No recommendation

  • The two leading candidates in this race are Trump-endorsed Eli Crane and State Rep. Walt Blackman. Ostensibly, both appear to be running on fairly strong America First platforms. However, some populists have raised concerns about Crane’s past policy stances, while election integrity activists have questioned some of Blackman’s attitudes towards the 2020 presidential election. RNR reached out to Blackman to allay these concerns, but he declined to fill out a candidate survey. As a result, RNR believes there is no clear choice between these two candidates, but voters should vote their conscience. There is a possibility both of these men may turn out to be fine Congressmen, but we cannot make a recommendation in this race.

3rd congressional district: Unopposed

  • There is only one Republican candidate running in this safe Democrat district.

4th congressional district: Kelly Cooper

  • RNR recommends Kelly Cooper, who is running on an America First platform. Through his strong fundraising, he is best placed to defeat both establishment Republican candidate Tanya Wheeless on August 2 and incumbent Democrat Rep. Greg Stanton in November.

5th congressional district: Andy Biggs

  • RNR has endorsed incumbent Rep. Andy Biggs, as a result of his exceptional voting record in Congress. Biggs is one of the most committed members of Congress to the America First agenda, on every issue from foreign policy to immigration.

6th congressional district: Kathleen Winn

  • RNR recommends Kathleen Winn, the clear anti-establishment candidate in this race. Her main opponent, Juan Ciscomani, is backed by Kevin McCarthy and House Republican leadership. Unlike Ciscomani, Winn would vote for the Trump agenda, not the Washington swamp agenda.

7th congressional district: Luis Pozzolo

  • RNR recommends Luis Pozzolo as the most active and MAGA-aligned candidate in this safe Democrat district.

8th congressional district: Debbie Lesko

  • RNR recommends incumbent Rep. Debbie Lesko, who has a generally conservative, Freedom Caucus voting record in Congress and is unopposed in this race.

9th congressional district: Paul Gosar

  • RNR has endorsed incumbent Rep. Paul Gosar, a man who has been a close friend and supporter of our organization since our launch. There is no one more dedicated to pushing forward the America First agenda, and he has scored the highest in our scorecards.

State legislature:

RNR has endorsed four state legislature candidates in Arizona. These are listed below:

7th Senate district: Wendy Rogers

  • RNR has endorsed Wendy Rogers, one of the country’s most vocal advocates of election integrity and national sovereignty, and a true friend of RNR. We are proud to join President Trump in endorsing her over her establishment-backed primary challenger.

27th Senate district: Anthony Kern

  • RNR has endorsed Anthony Kern, an election integrity and MAGA activist who has aligned himself with RNR in Arizona.

29th House district (1): Austin Smith

  • RNR has endorsed Austin Smith, a young patriotic populist activist with a bright future in Arizona and national politics for one of the two seats in the 29th district.

29th House district (2): Steve Montenegro

  • RNR has endorsed Steve Montenegro, a former State Senator and renowned immigration patriot, who is now looking to re-enter Arizona politics in the other of the two seats in the 29th district.